The Laptop Lifestyle and what I have learned.
What it takes to create the Laptop Lifestyle, from learning, programs, and requirements to basics and warnings.
Do you have to be a computer genius to have a laptop lifestyle?
I clicked on an ad for how to make money from home which led me to a program that taught how to have a laptop lifestyle.
The fact that this program didn’t require me to be a computer guru was certainly divine!
This may crack you up, but when I got started, my children had to continually patiently show me how to just copy and paste in wordpad!
No, really, I am serious.
I would tell everyone that I was technically challenged.

Ken, my husband, would gently tease me that I was the fastest back-spacer in the East.
My brain would go so much faster than my fingers and I would constantly need to correct my words when typing.
I struggled to just post a blog and was grateful that my daughter put it on WordPress for us!
My family tried to explain step by step actions to me, and I would get overwhelmed, hand it to them, and say show me.
I dealt with computer challenges by handing it off to my son until he got it straightened out for me.
It is amazing to see how far I have come now!
Can I have a laptop lifestyle if I don’t know a lot about computers?
So, do you need to be able to use the computer? Yes, you do, but with the right program – it is easier than you think!
I am certainly not a computer genius, but I have learned so much.
Today, I easily and quickly use the computer for many tasks that I used to use paper and pen for.

I have also seen how much time I have gotten back in my life simply by using the computer for various tasks.
So, does one have to be a computer genius to create a laptop lifestyle?
No, not at all!
However, it does take the willingness to learn some technical things and it’s a total vibe when you do!
Do you need a degree to create a laptop lifestyle, to be an affiliate marketer?
Can you be an affiliate marketer if you are a college dropout?
So, what made me think that I would learn how to monetize my blog and my YouTube channel by becoming an affiliate marketer?
I really have no idea, other than just sheer determination and desperation.
I had been an at home mom and caregiver for the majority of my life.
On paper, I was not exactly the perfect candidate to start an online career, especially in my 50’s!
I was a college drop out. (So nope, you don’t need a degree to do this.)
Even my resume looked like a snapshot of Indeed with the variety of little jobs I had worked over the years.

What I learned when I found the online education program and community that bridged my lack of experience and knowledge with the right training and support – was that anyone can do this.
That was a relief for me, because I wanted this so badly.
With the right help I was certain that I could change my life.
For a while I had tried learning about affiliate marketing in college, but it didn’t click for me.
I knew that it would be harder for me than for someone that was already good on a computer,
I didn’t care.
Simply put, I wasn’t afraid to ask questions and do it over again, I was willing to learn.
Will this work for a kinesthetic learner?
During the last couple of years in this community I have learned that I am a kinesthetic learner.
The hands-on education has made all the difference for me!
Trainings, live tutoring, and peer interaction gave me exactly what I needed.
Suddenly I not only am building out my own funnels and workflows, but I am helping other students.

It is exciting that I am also providing it as an additional service for my coaching clients!
I went through that program and determined my path, then I began my journey.
Could someone with the health challenges that I have benefit from this lifestyle?
A number of restrictions kept me from some types of jobs, would this be different?
I have been in a number of car accidents over the years, and due to that I have back and neck issues.
To add to all of that – I deal with severe plaque psoriasis, chronic pain and scoliosis – so that limited my future career options as well.
All in all, I was probably the perfect candidate for disability, except I didn’t want that.
The thing is I wanted something more out of life – more than a pre-determined monthly check was going to give.
I thought that I was willing to do what it took to get it, but could I do this?
A laptop lifestyle online business takes consistency, discipline, and determination.
Ok, I was good working on learning those things, I mean how hard could that be?
First off, with no boss over your head – it’s actually a bit harder than one would think.
I was blessed to get connected with a laptop lifestyle program that has a wonderful community.
One of the first things that helped me to stay on track was connecting with others on a similar journey.
Second, following the guidance of the coach’s in my laptop lifestyle program helped me alot!
Not only did I read and listen to great books, but I also apply what I learn.

Creating a morning routine was something that had been mentioned a number of times, and I could see the difference when I started doing that.
I learned that creating a schedule and then adapting it to fit my needs worked well.
It is very easy to hit that snooze, or stay up super late, or decide to relax for a day, but that doesn’t build a business.
I learned that holding myself accountable and creating healthy work boundaries was the best way to get results.
How has working from home with this Laptop Lifestyle Program affected me physically?
Physically, it has been an interesting process as well – in both good ways and not too great ways.
I longed for days to be home and cook a good meal, with left overs to get me through my workdays.
What I didn’t take in to consideration is how long it takes to cut up and prepare healthy meals.
I found that I was spending so many hours between meal prep, cooking and clean up that there was little time left.

My work schedule availability kept shrinking as my home life expanded.
I had to learn to restrict what I was doing at home to things that were not going to take from my work life.
One thing that has helped with this is the crock pot.
I can put something in to cook and then get online and work.
It was important to learn that time cutting up vegetables for the crock pot could be done in a way that benefited me.
Some times there are meetings or trainings that can be attended with no camera.
I learned to take advantage of that time and do things that didn’t require a lot of mind work – like cutting veggies or folding laundry.
I do not suggest multi tasking during things that you need to be taking notes and being super focused on though.
How has working at the computer affected my pain levels?
One of the benefits of working online has been to be able to sit in my recliner on the heating pad for a part of the day.
Heat helps relieve some of my pain and helps me move easier.
While that has been a real benefit, I have also taken it to an extreme and only been out of the chair a couple of times.
When I sit in the chair all day and don’t get up and get exercise, I am harming myself more than helping.
I have had to learn to get up and change my work location throughout the day.

A more organized person may choose to work on their blog and emails in the morning in the recliner.
They may then choose to sit at the table during meetings.
Then, sit outside during social media creating and posting.
For myself, I just do whatever feels good at the moment.
Unfortunately my pain levels increased because I wasn’t attentive to moving and exercise.
Once I began to put in place some changes, it settled and now just does the normal spikes of pain that I deal with.
I found that if I intentionally added exercise to my schedule and then did it – that it helped a lot.
One of the benefits of working from home is you can do what you want for exercise, and when you want to.
I have some friends that go to the gym for their exercise – which helps get them out of the home.
I have other friends that have created space in their home to work out.
What about weight gain working this laptop lifestyle program?
I will be honest, I gained some weight when I first started.
Who knew that if you sat all day long and munched on chips, cookies, and snacks that you wouldn’t lose weight?
Yeah, while I knew that, I didn’t think about it.
So at first I gained then I just maintained.

More recently I have been being a bit intentional about choosing things that are non-inflammatory and choosing healthier versions of things.
Lately I have noticed that I have lost a few pounds – so that is exciting!
I would just suggest that it is important to be wise about when and what is eaten and what exercise is happening.
Who can have a laptop lifestyle?
How would someone get started with this type of life?
This isn’t for everyone, and while I totally get that, I also think that it is for more people than are doing it.
There are a number of different paths that one can take for their digital real estate.
Here is a list of a few:
- Blogging
- Affiliate Marketing
- Digital Marketing Agency
- Courses
- Sales
- Drop Shipping
- Marketplace
- Consulting
- Coaching
- Speaking
- Podcasts
I highly recommend the laptop lifestyle program that I went with.
Get access here: Amy’s free Laptop Lifestyle e-guide & access to the Laptop Lifestyle Program.
I know that there are other platforms out there, but that is the one that I learned from.
I am an affiliate for it myself, and love hearing the success stories from others I have introduced it to!
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any other questions you would like answered about living the Laptop Lifestyle.
Thanks for reading, please be sure to like, comment, subscribe and share!
Living abundantly, Amy
A bit about my links, and a special thank you.
*Here is that information again on the platform that I used to learn how to create my multiple streams of income. Just click here, and it will take you to the landing page that I created, and then in to more information.
**I am also an Affliate Marketer – so if you purchase anything from one of my links, I just want to say thank you! I appreciate you helping support me! You will notice that I only promote what I believe in.
***“As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” (so if there is a link to anything from Amazon – thank you!)
Ms Amy May LLC P.O. Box 1224 Polk City, Fl 33868
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