This will continually be updated, but for now, I will start with a few things that I do get asked frequently.
There are a couple of sections here, perhaps more to be added later. So, be sure to scroll down & get out both the Popular Questions and What We Have Learned.
Popular Questions
Hello!! Here are some questions – perhaps they will answer yours – if not – do not hesitate to reach out – I love curious minds!
No, not at this time. This is currently our fulltime home. With Ken still working at Disney – if we traveled somewhere and broke down, or had an accident – that would be challenging. Even if he left me to stay with the coach – where would he stay for work? So, for now, the coach stays on our property – safely!
Being transparent… yes – sometimes it really can be. I will be including a blog (or more than 1! lol) about this. It takes being creative sometimes, it takes sacrifice and being inventive other times. A 38ft coach doesn’t actually give 38ft of space! It is completely doable, and when I look at where we are today compared to 3 years ago, it is worth it!
That has been an evolving situation! Sometimes it is wonderful and cozy and romantic. Other times, it is not so much! haha! Since we live in Florida, we are blessed with the outdoors, and so our space isn’t always confined to being in here. Over our time here, we have also been able to stay in a friend’s home while they were out of town, so we have had some ‘breaks’. I also travel quite a bit, so that has helped as well. I think if you focus on the close quarters, it feels closer. We just really don’t think about it much anymore. If one of us wants through, the other steps out of the way, we take turns, and we have patience.
I was shocked with how much space is in the ‘basement’ – which is what we call the storage under the coach. Not all coaches have the same amount of storage – so I would highly suggest if you are ‘coach hunting’ to be sure to compare and make sure you get what you want. We have learned the art of ‘tubbing’ which I will certainly be blogging on! It is where you buy tubs also known as plastic totes, and use them as storage that you cycle through. So, for example – my winter clothes for where it is actually cold? They live in a tub. Then when I travel anywhere cold – I access that tub. On the few days in Florida that I can where some of them? I open that tub. Simple process and it really works. I will also blog about all of the cupboard space and how much is stored away there.
Yes, when done correctly it can even work consistently. That was one of the things in the beginning that I struggled with – getting some consistency going and coming. Being consistent myself, applying what I was learning and then getting more consistent return on investment. Moving in to receiving money monthly has become a total VIBE!! For me it is becoming more like a game, I enjoy the challenge and am finding fun in it! Lots of fun! (if you want to know more – contact me and we can set up a time to chat!)
What you’ll learn
What we have learned living in the coach for 3 years.
I thought downsizing and living in the coach would be harder than it was, I think that may be the secret to why it’s gone so well.

I dunno. I guess in part because I had a lot of stuff. I thought getting rid of things would be harder than it was. I sort of did the Marie Kondo thing with ‘does it spark joy’. I really asked myself – was this something important to me, did I need it? It went easier than I thought. I also thought it would take time to adjust & it would be a struggle. But it was more like vacation – it was fun!
I have always loved being an entrepreneur. I just hadn’t learned to do it and create a monthly flow of income – that became my goal! I was excited to change our lifestyle. Living in a neighborhood with friends our age, 2 swimming pools, all the amenities – I didn’t want to have a job that took me away where I couldn’t enjoy it when Ken was home to enjoy it with me. I also knew that with my own company – retiring Ken would happen faster than at a job with a ceiling on what I could make.
I used to have lots of pots and pans! I had 3 cupboards and drawers full! I used most all of them pretty consistently too! Then we move in to the coach, and I have 1 fry pan, 1 pot for boiling stuff, and 1 tiny dish for oven baking. Wow. Here’s the thing – we are not starving! We learned to do it differently. It sure cuts back on washing dishes too!
Good question! It is a tie between learning after 2 years that we have a furnace! Yup! we were using space heaters and freezing, until one day Ken was doing something and learned that we have a ‘heat mode’ for our roof air conditioners! Last year was much warmer in here! What is that tied with? One day Ken was working on something with the counter, and realized that if you grab where the drawers are and pull – it comes out and creates a ‘bar’ and there is storage under there too! It has been exciting!
At first, since we were creating this new lifestyle – we sort of felt like when we were home together – that we needed to be within reach of each other. That lost its glitter pretty quick. Ken and I love each other, no question of that, but that doesn’t mean every waking moment we have to be together. I don’t smoke cigarettes any more (I quit over 27 years ago). Ken still does. I don’t like to be around it. In the beginning, I would sit outside with him while he smoked. It wasn’t healthy for either of us. I learned that I could take my own ‘smoke break’, lol and do what I wanted to. As we learned to take our own space we also made our time together more ‘quality’ instead of ‘quantity’.